How To Roll Over (Update) An Initiative

This document will assist you with rolling over information from a previously submitted initiatives to a new (current) fiscal year.

1. In any web browser, navigate to


3. Log in with your NetID to submit an initiative.

4. On the SUBMIT DIVERSITY INITIATIVE page, scroll down to view the In-progress and Submitted Initiatives you own under YOUR INITIATIVES.

5. Find the initiative that you would like to ROLL OVER,  i.e. copy forward information from a previous fiscal year to the current fiscal year. After locating your initiative click the plus sign after the fiscal year you would like to roll over.

6. On the ADD RECORD screen you will have the ability to CREATE NEW, EMPTY YEAR (create a new fiscal year record without data), or COPY ANOTHER YEAR (copy values from another Fiscal Year).

7. Select COPY ANOTHER YEAR, then select which Fiscal Year you would like to copy the values from.

8. After selecting COPY ANOTHER YEAR and the Fiscal Year, the information from the selected fiscal year will appear.

9. After selecting the Fiscal Year and reviewing the data, scroll down to the bottom of the page and select COPY FY-XX RECORD.

10. Review information

11. Update missing information

12. Submit initiative